Gianpietro Dotti, MD

Funded by the V Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Gala Event

Pancreatic cancer is the 4th most common cause of cancer death in the United States with one of the worst survival rates of any cancer. Patients with pancreatic cancer struggle to find clinical trials given the lack of options, the lack of any promising findings, the lack of functionality to tolerate many trials. Our research directly impacts cancer patients providing an innovative and promising therapy that has had success in other cancers. Our clinical trial will study pancreatic cancer patients receiving treatment with their own immune cells that we will have taken from their blood, re-engineered the cells to fight their cancer, and injected their re-engineered immune cells back into their body.Our research will study the blood from these patients and look for markers that are associated with treatment response in similar clinical trials. We will also study their tumor tissue before and after treatment and look to see if the injected, re-engineered immune cells were able to travel to the tumor, grow and thrives and kill cancer cells.

Location: UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center - Chapel Hill
Proposal: B7H3 CAR T Therapy of Therapeutically Resistant Pancreatic Cancer
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