Jean Gatewood

Funded by Hooters of America, LLC

In an effort to better understand and meet the needs of women in the Hispanic community, Fox Chase Cancer Center is launching an initiative to learn more about their preferences regarding messages that inform and announce the availability of clinical trials for women with breast cancer.

Fox Chase will host a series of focus groups in order to seek guidance from the community on the impact of current announcements, gauge awareness of the availability of clinical trials options and understand how the messaging can be better enhanced in order to make the value of participation in research studies higher-impact.

We will host two focus groups of 10 women each. Focus group 1 will review the existing, Spanish-written brochure and will complete both pre- and post-user testing. Focus group 2 will review the verbal PSA version of the Spanish-written brochure and will also complete pre- and post-user testing. Using the information and feedback gathered from these focus groups, we will tailor our message moving forward to better increase knowledge about the existence, importance and education regarding the availability of clinical trials to minority women in North Philadelphia.

With a better understanding in place, we hope to see an increase in the number of diverse women joining breast cancer clinical research studies to better reflect the racial and ethnic mix of the clinical patient population.

Location: Fox Chase Cancer Center - Pennsylvania
Proposal: Multidisciplinary Outreach & Education to Diverse Breast Cancer Patients
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