Funded by Hooters
We are testing a drug, tucatinib with a form of focused radiation called stereotactic radiosurgery for a type of breast cancer (HER2-positive) that affects 20-25% of breast cancer cases when it spreads to the brain.
This study will help find out if the combination of tucatinib and radiation is safe and if patients can tolerate it well without too many side effects.
About 40 patients with this type of breast cancer that has spread to the brain will be part of the study. First, they will receive the drug tucatinib along with the focused radiation treatment. After that, they will continue taking tucatinib along with two other medicines called capecitabine and trastuzumab. These three medicines are already used as the standard treatment and have been effective for patients like these. Patients will receive this combination until their tumor grows back or if there are serious side effects.
This study will also help find out the correct dose of tucatinib to use. Additionally, the study will answer how well the treatment works and how it affects brain function.