Brain tumors are now the most common cause of cancer-related death in children. Most affected children undergo surgery and receive extensive therapy with toxic substances, yet many will succumb to their disease. It has been a major interest of the research community and pharmaceutical companies to develop more effective drugs that target specific cancer-causing proteins. However, identifying suitable protein targets is often challenging. We question if we can target a different class of molecules called microRNAs. Our work will answer which microRNAs are the most promising targets across different types of childhood brain tumors and how to target them most effectively.
We are developing a novel experimental system that allows us to collectively study the effects of all microRNAs in the human genome. Our system is based on modern genomic and computational techniques that are only recently feasible. This will enable us to identify and test the most promising targets.
We are hopeful that our findings will result in a better understanding of how microRNAs cause brain tumors and will lead to better treatments that help young patients. Better treatments will result in higher survival rates and lower side effects. In the short-term, our basic research study provides molecular rationale and pre-clinical results to further pursue developments. Over the long-term, we hope that our results will lead to novel drugs that will help affected children.
Funded by the Constellation Gold Network Distributors
Every patient’s tumor is different. However, a closer look into a given tumor shows another staggering level of complexity. Like a patchwork, every tumor is made up of individual tumor cells which can show very different behaviors. This diversity makes the diagnosis and treatment of cancers very challenging and is an important reason why some tumors are so difficult to treat. Here we want to shed light on the complex makeup of metastatic prostate cancer. We will study the composition of prostate cancers at the level of single cells. To do this, we will use cutting-edge tools to detect molecular changes in individual cancer cells. This will allow us to better understand how this diversity contributes to the aggressiveness of prostate cancer. Ultimately, our work will help us to provide more accurate and precise diagnoses and more effective treatments for patients with prostate cancer.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive blood cancer that can recur after standard therapy. Although chemotherapy kills fast-growing AML cells, it often fails to destroy allcancer cells. As a result, the patient may appear to respond to therapy, but eventually the cancer returns. We found that the surviving cancer cells can overcome therapy by entering a senescence-like dormancy, allowing them to endure chemotherapy and resume cancerous activity after therapy has ended. The cancer cells become more aggressive than before treatment and showed changes in their epigenetic marks including DNA methylation. In this project, we will examine the mechanisms controlling the DNA methylation changes and their role in AML dormancy. Overall, this project will advance our understanding on the relevance of DNA methylation in cancer therapy and will define new therapeutic targets. Our long-term goal is to apply this information to develop new therapies to improve the survival of AML patients.
We study the response of the immune system to cancer. A type of immune cells, called T cells, play a central role in killing and clearing cancer cells. However, as cancer develops, these cells malfunction, leading to their inability to clear cancer cells, allowing for them to grow out of control. Many therapies used to treat cancer now target those cells, working to enhance their ability to fight cancer cells. One of them is called PD-1 blockade treatment. However, there is much we do not know about this treatment. Due to this, there are many individuals where this therapy does not show any therapeutic effect over traditional cancer treatments. We previously have found that the means by which the immune cells fuel their energy stores (called glucose metabolism) is central to their overall function during cancer development. Some tumors consume many resources to grow as quickly as possible, this prevents immune cells in the area from using these same resources to fuel energy from glucose. Our overarching goal is to determine the mechanism by which these immune cells malfunction due to a lack of resources and how this insufficient level of resources hinders the immune cell response to cancer. The research completed will be instrumental in our understanding of how T cells respond to cancer cells during the progression of disease and treatment.
Cancer is a problem of uncontrolled cell growth. Either too many new cells are being born or not enough old cells are dying. Cellular senescence is a normal aging process in which cells stop growing. However, these cells remain metabolically active and secrete factors to attract immune cells and increase inflammation. This process occurs naturally during aging due to different types of stress that build up over time. Senescence was first thought to protect against cancer since it prevents new cells from being made. In fact, many drugs currently used to treat human cancer patients block tumor growth by turning on senescence. However, more recent studies have shown that some tumor cells can eventually escape this process and start growing again. Cells that exit senescence may even grow faster and spread more easily than before. Given these new findings about the ‘dark side’ of senescence, there has been growing interest in using anti-aging drugs to treat cancer. However, this process is complex and has been difficult to study in the lab. We created a new mouse model of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), which is a deadly cancer that starts in the adrenal gland and has no effective treatments. Our model develops adrenal cancer, but only after an extended period of senescence. This model provides a unique opportunity to study the relationship between aging and cancer. Using this system, our goal is to (1) study the long-term effects of senescence on tumor growth, and (2) test anti-aging drugs as cancer therapy.
Myeloid malignancies (myelodysplastic syndrome [MDS] and acute myeloid leukemia [AML]) are very aggressive blood cancers that have limited treatment options. We have learned that these cancers have “stem cell” populations, which allow the disease to propagate, and are the source of relapse when it occurs. One cannot hope to cure these diseases without eradicating the stem cells, but that has historically been very difficult because so little was known about this cell population. We have recently made some breakthrough discoveries related to these stem cells; they have weaknesses that distinguish them from other cell populations in the body, and those weaknesses, which relate to unique ways in which these cells choose to metabolize energy, can be exploited or targeted with particular therapies. Our project seeks to test the theory that specifically targeting metabolic weaknesses in stem cell populations can lead to deep and durable responses for patients with myeloid malignancies. These discoveries will help us to learn how these diseases can ultimately be cured, and will set the stage for the necessary clinical trials that will be designed to do just that.
Immune-based medicines are effective in treating and curing subsets of patients across multiple cancers. However, approximately 80% of patients across all cancers fail to respond to immune-based medicines. This lack of clinical benefit is particularly prevalent in aggressive forms of metastatic prostate cancer (MPC) that are resistant to hormonal therapies, where few objective responses to immune-based medicines have been observed.
The immune system is comprised of cells that can both promote and suppress the growth of the cancer. Our research has revealed that the microenvironment within MPC exhibits scarcity of immune cells. Furthermore, the sparse immune cells that reside within the microenvironment of MPC promote tumor growth and progression. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop medicines that reprogram the tumor-promoting “bad” immune cells to create a more favorable environment, so the “good” immune cells can enter the tumor and kill cancer cells. The goal of our research is to identify and develop new medicines that can achieve this “switch” in the immune system, to enhance recognition and elimination of the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer. We will test these potential medicines in both mouse models of PC in the laboratory, and in patients with the most aggressive forms of MPC enrolled in clinical trials. Collectively, the findings stemming from this proposal will lead to a deeper understanding of the immune escape mechanisms that allow MPC to spread, and advance the clinical development of novel medicines to reinvigorate the body’s immune system to eradicate MPC.
This new drug, called peptide alarm therapy (PAT), is injected directly into a tumor to stimulate immune cellsto attack the tumor. This drug stimulates immune responses that people already have because ofexposure to viral infections and/or vaccines. We found that, in mice, injection of this drug in combinationwith a PD-L1 inhibitor, a drug already approved by the FDA, eliminates tumors. This new drug can be used fordifferent types of solid tumors and is expected to have few side effects. This is a first clinical trial ofthis new type of drug to determine if it is safe. This new type of drug may be effective against many different tumor types in adult or pediatric patients.
Funded by the Dick Vitale Pediatric Cancer Research Fund
We aim to develop a novel and effective therapy for a lethal pediatric brain cancer (diffuse midline glioma, DMG). No effective treatment for DMG currently exists. This cancer arises when a mutation appears in a gene called H3F3A, causing it to produce a toxic protein. The mutant protein makes cells grow unchecked, forming a tumor in an inaccessible brain region and eventually killing the patient. Each of our genes makes RNA—so-called messenger RNA (mRNA)—and the mRNA is then read in another part of the cell to make the protein encoded by that gene. The technology we use, called “antisense”, allows us to target the mRNA made from a gene, and either destroy it or change it. Either way, the toxic protein is no longer made, and because the tumor cells require it for growth, they stop growing and die or change into normal cells. Once our antisense drug is developed, it will be injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord, allowing it to reach the brain tumor. Another gene, called H3F3B, encodes the same protein as H3F3A, so our method will get rid of the defective protein but not the normal protein. Therefore, the drug should not harm normal tissues outside the tumor. We will design, test, and perfect our antisense approach using cells derived from DMG tumors, and mouse models of this brain cancer. If this project is successful, the resulting antisense drug will undergo further safety tests, in preparation for clinical trials involving DMG patients.
Funded by the Wine Celebration in honor of Carol Bornstein
Tumors are constantly growing and mutating – they are different from healthy cells, and thus should be able to be recognized by your immune system. However, immune cells respond to molecules that act as brakes, which can be used by tumor cells to escape being killed. While some of these immune brakes have been discovered, drugs blocking these do not work in most cancer patients, and many remain unknown. To improve survival for everyone, we need to figure out what the other important brakes are so we can reprogram your own immune system to fight cancer. We have recently discovered Siglec-15 as a new immune cell brake in tumors.Blocking Siglec-15 shows improved immune activity in studies involving human cells and mice. Based on these results, clinical trials targeting Siglec-15 are currently ongoing. Initial trial results show that targeting Siglec-15 is safe and slows down tumor growth in patients who have already failed other therapies. Thus, we need to understand the biology of Siglec-15 so we can design the best cancer therapy possible. Here, we will study how Siglec-15 suppresses tumor immunityand identify strategies to maximize its clinical response. Our proposal will improve our knowledge of cancer immunology and help patients in the fight against late-stage cancers.