Paula Fracasso, MD, PhD

Funded by the V Foundation’s Virginia Vine event

SMART-ER VA is a non-research health information service project to increase the awareness of colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention, early detection, and the uptake of colorectal cancer screening utilizing an evidence-based social media health awareness, education, and navigation intervention. Colorectal cancer remains the third leading cause of cancer death for men and women in the US. It is among the top cancers in Massey’s catchment. Twenty-Six rural southern localities in MCC’s catchment are reported as CRC “hotspots” with increased risk of CRC mortality. SMART-ER VA is designed to reach and capture the attention of those who use social media and live in targeted colorectal cancer Virginia hotspots, particularly those marginalized, disadvantaged, and geographically isolated, yet socially connected and engaged, yet not limited by geographical constructs, but have a sense of social identity, special interest, and shared norms and values, to address issues affecting their health and social needs. SMART-ER VA. is a non-research educational effort supporting the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer utilizing social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram) and an evidence-based empowerment health education and prevention model for personal and social change.

Location: VCU Massey Cancer Center - Richmond
Proposal: Social Media Action to Reach Teach and Educate Richmond, VA (SMART-ER VA)
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