Amber Hadigan

Meet Amber

It was January 2018 – I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Luckily, it was found easily through a routine mammogram. At 43 years old, I had Stage 1A breast cancer. Thanks to the skills of an amazing surgeon, my cancer was removed and did not appear to have spread.

I completed four weeks of radiation treatment and was declared NED (no evidence of disease). My cancer journey was simple compared to most.

Because of research, my doctors knew the best care for my cancer.

Because of research, I am now on medication to prevent a recurrence.

Because of research, my doctors knew that chemo was not necessary. I was told that a decade ago, chemo would have been automatic. Research spared me that trauma.

It is research that saved my life.

It is research that made cancer a just blip on my radar.

I am now one year clean and living my best life.

-Amber Hadigan, V Foundation Supporter

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